Hi. I’m Shakti.
I Do Biz & Content.

Step into the pulse of success with Street Smart Shakti! Unveiling life’s secrets and triumphs straight from the vibrant streets of wisdom through captivating content

About Me

Scratching My Own Itch. Carring Scars With Proud.

Howdy! I’m Shakti, the captain of chaos navigating the stormy seas of content creation, business, and top-secret rap battles (don’t tell anyone, especially my neighbors). I may not wear a cape, but with a strong coffee in hand, a pocketful of wit, and a dash of questionable humor, I’m ready to conquer the comedy of life. Buckle up for a laughter-packed adventure—my life’s a sitcom you won’t want to miss!

What I Do

Ever wondered what I do? So have my relatives. ‘WTF does he do?’ they ask. Always busy…


Passionate architect of dreams, translating vision into reality. Infusing businesses with enthusiasm, grit, and a relentless pursuit of growth.

Content Creation

Weaving narratives that captivate, educate, and resonate—an artisan in the world of compelling storytelling.


Crafting brand symphonies, orchestrating resonance in every campaign—a marketing virtuoso in a sea of noise.

Growth Hacking

Igniting exponential growth with a pinch of unconventional wisdom—because breaking the mold is my forte.

Featured Work

Rio Watch Commercials

Gravida dapibus viverra condimentum hendrerit vestibulum nullam a risus, amet mollis turpis.

Sem aliquet dictumst mauris, sit dignissim orci rhoncus dui, pretium amet consectetur egestas sed pellentesque eget ut molestie cras in mauris mi viverra volutpat.

Habitant hac sit in phasellus in
Faucibus tristique sed vitae eu
Vel proin tincidunt enim aenean

My Clients

Morbi lobortis morbi dignissim sodales eget mauris turpis interdum sagittis sed cursus nunc nulla congue quis.

“Feugiat mi commodo pellentesque dapibus tortor, bibendum mattis mattis scelerisque est interdum tempor dui consectetur pharetra facilisis tortor, integer et erat ac elit rhoncus.”
Tobias Van Hale
Creative Director at Pelem Studio